mercredi 14 mai 2008

Varukers - premier EP

Varukers, rien à dire, tout le monde connaît.

Et comme chacun sait, ces 4 titres sont reparus assez récemment (2000 il me semble ?) sur une compil Varukers punk singles 1981-85... facilement trouvable, CD, toussa...

Bref, place à la zik.

2 commentaires:

  1. Yeah, tout le monde connaît, but I don't have any Varukers apart from a couple comp tracks. That means - thanks!
    Funny - the other day we were discussing about Kortatu and now I'm working in the spanish wiki together with the guy who made the Kortatu and Negu Gorriak articles there...
    Did you read the Com. Marcos file whose link I sent? I guess there must be some French translation around, probably more accurate than an English one.
    These days the blog has been too quiet, anyway, viva le RKF!

    Fernando :)

  2. Thanks a lot for the interest, Fernando. I started to read Marcos' rant, but did not bother to save it... and seems to be down more than often. So I cant say I read that text thoroughly. Got the general meaning of it anyway, and I agree with the Zapatistas :-)
