jeudi 15 mai 2008

Kortatu unzensuriert / sans censure / sin censura

[re-up 2012 07 17]

Petite pièce d'anthologie. Le dernier album de Kortatu, le live Azken Guda Dantza fut victime de la censure de l'état espagnol :

  • sur 2 des titres présents, Aizkolari et Sospechosos, pour cause de cris un peu trop audibles "ETA, ETA, ETA" et "Gora ETA militarra" (en particulier à la fin de Sospechosos) ;
  • sur un petit détail de la pochette qui représentait Jean-Charles de Bourbon sans son maquillage.

Jamais les deux pieds dans le même sabot, et ayant oublié d'être cons, les p'tits gars de Kortatu s'arrangèrent peu après pour que ces documents gênants sortent sur un 45 de soutien à Radio Farabundo Marti, la voix du peuple salvadorien en lutte.

Et toc.

8 commentaires:

  1. Oh shit. I hate Kortatu. Not that I love the state, but ETA are nothing but butchers. I wonder what kind of revolutionarist romanticism turns people from other countries blind in front of this absolute shit. And Kortatu didn't mind spreading their mongo nazionalist butcher anthems after the 1987 Hipercor attack in Barcelona where lots of civilians died.
    You should read the correspondence of Comandante Marcos with ETA, that shows really a difference. Never knew of Ulster punk bands that did what Kortatu did, and the so-called "problems" in Ulster were 100 times worse than those of Euskadi.
    Well... I love this (young) blog but...
    Fernando :(

  2. It's OK, you hate Kortatu. That does not stop them from existing (actually they split long ago, you know), nor does your hate lessen their talent.

    · about « revolutionary romanticism » and alleged blindness : who told you so ? Do you know me ?

    · « Kortatu didn't mind... » : again, who told you so ?

    · about Marcos / ETA correspondence, do you have a link or something ?

  3. "nor does your hate lessen their talent". Of course not. I didn't even mention the music, but I wouldn't hate them for that. In fact I didn't like them musically either, but sometimes I like musically bands whose ideology is hateful (Skrewdriver etc) or I simply don' like.

    "about « revolutionary romanticism » and alleged blindness : who told you so ? Do you know me ?"

    No I don't; what I said wasn't about you at all, it was a general impression. For instance I had a discussion about that with Federico and Chris from KFTH years ago because of the Kortatu article that has lots of the racial (or ethnical) discourse typical of etc. What I wrote here wasn't personal at all; like you say, what do I know? For instance, blindness? Maybe you're a stalinist and aprove political killings for the cause's sake. Or maybe not. Whatever. I have no idea.
    Anyway, as I said I enjoy the blog and I don't want to hold a long discussion at all. Just said my opinion; now I'm trying to solve what I see as a couple of misunderstandings.

    · « Kortatu didn't mind... » : again, who told you so?
    - Well I remember their records, what they said on them and when they appeared. And those lines you quoted. What more do I need? And, if come the time, they changed their mind, I'd be very pleased to be proved wrong.

    "about Marcos / ETA correspondence, do you have a link or something ?" - I think I have it somewhere, I found that like 5 years ago, may take a while. See you
    Fernando :)

  4. Voilà (in English);

    Fernando :)

  5. They weren´t a very good band anyway, most of their best songs are covers, but you know, being a red pro-terrorist, ETA supporting scumbag when that was fashionable and being the useful fools for a separatist political party helped a bit.



  6. Sorry C.A.F.E. (or is your real name "Scum", if I understand your signature well ?), "arriba España" does not comply with this blog's politics. From what I can gather it appears that your shitty country is just another old EU former colonizer turned 20th-century dictatorship from fear of a social and political revolution. BTW, "arriba España" is todays fashionable way for the powers that be to stop your own style useful idiots from thinking.
    Get a brain, moron.

  7. VRAIMENT UN GRAND MERCI.UNE PUR TROUVAILLE.j'adore ce groupe qui ma bien bercer.MERCI!!!!!!
